Become an affiliate
Earning more money with your business using our platform is that simple:
Fill out the form on the right to carry out our approval process.
Fill out the form to carry out our approval process.
Signing of agreement and receipt of payment.
Sending content, posts, promotional codes, photos, etc. We publish them on our Platform.
More Information..
According to Statista, more than 290,000,000 tourists book tours and activities around the world every year, and you will be one of their suppliers.
Instead of paying us a commission on each tour or activity booked, you will only hire us with an automatic monthly rent of $197 USD including taxes to advertise your activities on our platform; an amount that you will easily recover.
Outstanding benefits over other digital channels:
- By not charging you a commission, you will earn at least 12% to 15% more than on other platforms.
- By not charging a commission to travelers, they will use this platform to book with you directly with our platform.
- We will advertise through various advertising media in the relevant regions.
- You will be able to send us advertising content every time you renew your inventory
- Your automatic subscription can be cancelled at any time (see terms and conditions for Provider)
- You will have total control of each client, reinforcing loyalty to your brand
- You will no longer have to deal with cancellations and pending payments, since you will take care of all the logistics.
- Our travelers will feel supported by your agency from day 1
We would love to create a partnership with you, please fill out the form so that the commercial coordinator can contact you to continue with the process. We would love to create a partnership with your travel agency or tour operator!
According to Statista, more than 290,000,000 tourists book tours and activities around the world every year, and you will be one of their suppliers.
So, I congratulate you for applying to join our mission of delivering unforgettable experiences to our travelers, while at the same time we can help you increase your sales. We will be an alternative and different distribution channel for you since we will not charge commission to you or our travelers.
Instead of paying us a commission on each tour or activity booked, you will only hire us with an automatic monthly rent of $150USD to advertise your activities on our platform; an amount that you will easily recover.
Outstanding benefits over other digital channels:
- By not charging you a commission, you will earn at least 12% to 15% more than on other platforms.
- By not charging a commission to travelers, they will use this platform to book with you directly with our platform.
- We will advertise through various advertising media in the relevant regions.
- You will be able to send us advertising content every time you renew your inventory
- Your automatic subscription can be cancelled at any time (see terms and conditions for Provider)
- You will have total control of each client, reinforcing loyalty to your brand
- You will no longer have to deal with cancellations and pending payments, since you will take care of all the logistics.
- Our travelers will feel supported by your agency from day 1
We would love to create a partnership with you, please fill out the form so that the commercial coordinator can contact you to continue with the process. We would love to create a partnership with your travel agency or tour operator!
Membership Form (Tour Operator)
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